“No fly, No buy” So what’s the big deal?

Unless you have had your head in a hole in the sand, which you frantically dug after America has seemingly flown off the handle in the recent days/months (in that case I applaud you and can I borrow your shovel), you have probably heard of the new movement/push for the “No fly, No buy list”. America has had a “No fly” list since 2001 after the attacks on 9/11. The list was created in order to be able to place individuals of suspected terrorist activity on a list that would banish them from being able to fly on any commercial airline. This list is monitored by the United States government’s Terrorist Screening Center (TSC), and as of 2013 there were 47,000 people on the list. A part of that number is a reported 800 Americans, most of which have zero idea they are even on it. Many times these individuals on the list are not aware until the day they are denied a boarding pass at the airport.

Now Democrats have introduced the idea that if you are on the “No fly” list then you should subsequently be placed on the “No buy” list. This list would bar you from buying a gun, as well as fly on a commercial airline. Sounds reasonable, right? I think we can all find some common ground in that anyone who has been proven to have ties to terrorist organizations, or has been linked to terrorist activity, shouldn’t be allowed to buy a gun, or fly on an airline. So what gives? Well, if you ask most Democrats nowadays, they believe the NRA is the spawn of Satan (or the spawn of some deeply evil deity, because saying something is the spawn of Satan, would inherently imply that you believe in God of course, and that’s politically incorrect nowadays and we don’t want to offend anyone) and wants to stone wall any bill they introduce just for the fun of it.. But what is the real problem the evil NRA and Republicans have with the “No fly, No buy” bill? IT’S BECAUSE THEY ENJOY WATCHING HOMOSEXUALS GET SHOT WITH AR-14’s (if you’re Tom Brokaw) ISN’T IT?! Easy! Easy! And no, contrary to popular belief, it’s not.

All that aside, the first logical question we must ask is what criteria has to be met in order to be placed on the list. The following colloquy is a dumbed down summation of the discourse that has taken place between Democrats and Republicans in recent days.. Republican: “Okay, so what exactly is the criteria that must be met in order to be on the list?” Democrat: “We can’t tell you that, only the people in charge of the list know. Its top secret government information.” Republican: “Okay, so you want to be able to put someone on a list that would ban them from their Second amendment right, without any due process, simply at the discretion of a bunch of government bureaucrats?” Democrat: “Precisely”…  Anyone see a problem here? Nobody has a freckin clue what it takes to be put on the list.

In 2007, former Princeton University professor Walter Murphy was denied a boarding pass in Newark International Airport for reasons unbeknownst to him. He had been placed on a no fly list, which he suspects, was because of a high profile lecture he gave which was critical of then President Bush. Seems fair, right? Furthermore, in 2012 the spouse of a Navy Lieutenant claimed he was told he was on a no fly list. He stated the only reason he could possibly think of was due to his comments about 9/11. Other instances involving Ted Kennedy (former Democratic senator of Massachusetts), Stephen Hays the journalist, and Cat Stevens all in which reportedly have had their names placed on the no fly list for unknown reasons, just to name a few … So from the previous examples, one can conclude that activities other than that of terrorist activity COULD potentially land you on the list for some reason or another.. *cue Kermit the frog slowly sipping coffee*

The primary objection to the “No fly No buy” bill is simply that Republican’s don’t believe that government bureaucrats should possess the ability to ban you from buying a gun or flying on a plane without due process. Everyone say it with me now, D U E P R O C E S S… very good. Now I know that trust in the government right now is at an all- time high, and the government has done a great job being in charge of things such as the VA and our educational system…..  But how can we trust that these names being put on the list pose legitimate threats to America?

Some of you may be wondering, what is that pesky little term “due process” I keep mentioning. Well, due process is defined by Webster dictionary as “a course of formal proceedings that are carried out regularly and in accordance with established rules and principles”. In layman’s terms, you should see your day in court (and have legitimate evidence and case against you), before you are barred from any of your constitutional rights (if you remember anything from 7th grade civics, due process is covered in the 5th amendment in the Bill of Rights). This is why Republicans and the NRA so adamantly oppose the “No fly, No buy” bill, because it is an encroachment on the very rights this country was founded on. Although, if you are a part of the majority of Democrats these days you see no problem with this bill, because they believe the constitution would be better served for some good fire starter.

In recent news a pro- gun control senator was recently quoted as saying, “forget due process, it’s killing us”. No, Mr. Senator, due process is not killing us, radical Islamic terrorists are killing us and Obama’s failure to recognize it as such, is killing us. Omar Mateen pledged allegiance to ISIS via phone conversation with a 911 operator. It’s on the transcript (even though Loretta Lynch made her best efforts to redact the transcripts in an attempt to hide his motive). It’s plain as day, folks. His motive WAS clear.  Have you ever heard the saying, “if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck”?

Now the debate about whether more gun control laws would actually be an effective way to curb these sporadic mass shootings is another discussion in and of itself. And that in areas like Chicago, where gun laws are the most strict in America, sees roughly 100, yes, you read that right ONE HUNDRED of it’s citizens die at the hands of gun violence every weekend *cue Kermit sipping coffee again*..  So that maybe if the Democrats were looking for a good place to have a “sit in” to protest gun violence and legislation, the curb of a downtown Chicago street corner would be a good place to start *drops mic*. But, I will leave that debate alone for another time, and allow you all to continue to bang your heads off the keyboard repeatedly while you argue with your drunk liberal uncles over transgender bathrooms. *Joe Biden point*




** Watch gun expert Tom Brokaw call an AR-15 an AR-14 here** http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/12/nbcs-brokaw-calls-for-banning-gun-that-doesnt-exist-video/

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